London, United Kingdom 2013 Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 85 18:15-19:45 Room 9,10 Satellite Symposium Covidien Mechanical thrombectomy trials with Solitaire FR– a global perspective Chair: P. Michel, Switzerland Panelist: N. Bornstein, Israel Solitaire™ FR revascularisation device with the intention for thrombectomy as primary endovascular treatment for acute ischaemic stroke (SWIFT Prime) J. Saver, USA Solitaire™ FR thrombectomy for acute revascularisation (STAR) A. Davalos, Spain Extending the time for thrombolysis in emergency neurological deficits – intra-arterial (EXTEND-IA) B. Campbell, Australia Endovascular treatment for small core and anterior circulation proximal occlusion with emphasis on minimizing CT to recanalisation times (ESCAPE) A. Demchuk, Canada Endovascular revascularisation with solitaire device versus best medical therapy in ante-rior circulation stroke within 8 hours (REVASCAT) A. Davalos, Spain Industry sponsored satellite symposium by CovidienYoung Stroke Physicians What is the relevance of pre-clinical models of stroke? 18:15-19:45 Room 17 Young Stroke Physicians D. Vivien, France Priorities in acute stroke research: a personal reflection S. Davis, Australia 18:15-19:45 Room 1 Satellite Symposium St. Jude Medical Novel stroke prophylaxis strategies: when should cardiac occlusion therapies be considered? When is the heart at the origin of ischaemic strokes? P. Koudstaal, The Netherlands Occlusion procedures safety and efficacy: it’s not open heart surgery H. Sievert, Germany Which patients for PFO closure: the learnings of the RESPECT trial D. Thaler, USA LAA occlusion: an alternative therapy for reducing the risk of stroke in AF patients J. Camm, UK Sponsored and organised by St. Jude Medical
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