22. European Stroke Conference 18:15-19:45 Room 2,3,4 Satellite Symposium Ever Neuro Pharma Multimodal treatment with Cerebrolysin in the context of early rehabilitation Chair: B. Norrving, Sweden Preclinical modeling of Cerebrolysin therapy for stroke M. Chopp, USA Rationale behind early rehabilitation of stroke patients J. Bernhardt, Austalia Treatment opportunities within organized stroke care - the importance of early recovery M. Brainin, Austria Industry sponsored satellite symposium by EverNeuro Pharma 18:15-19:45 Room 14,15,16 Satellite Symposium Bristol-Myers Squibb/Pfizer Novel anticoagulants (NOACs) for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation (SPAF): New Insights and First Practical Experiences Chair: G. Ford, UK Introduction: Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: perception versus reality G. Ford, UK The challenging road from evidence to clinical practice P.G. Steg, France Management of high-risk patients in SPAF: New Insights from the NOAC Trials M. O’Donnell, Ireland NOACs in stroke units: first practical experiences and latest recommendations H.C. Diener, Germany NOACs: implications for neurologists Questions and Panel Discussion Chairman + Speakers Wrap up and conclusion G. Ford, UK Industry sponsored satellite symposium by Bristol-Myers Syuibb/Pfizer 84 © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Scientific Programme
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