Thursday 30 May 2013 E-Poster Session Blue Chairs: A. Algra, The Netherlands, J. Bernhardt, Australia, A. Grau, Germany, G.-L. Lenzi, Italy, N. Venketasubramanian, Singapore, C. Stapf, France 557 E-Poster Terminal 1 p.558 Epidemiology of stroke Large clinical trials (RCTs) E-Poster Terminal 2 p.565 Acute stroke: emergency management, stroke units and complications E-Poster Terminal 3 p.573 Acute cerebrovascular events (ACE): TIA and minor strokes Stroke prevention Meta-analysis and reviews E-Poster Terminal 4 p.582 Rehabilitation and reorganisation after stroke E-Poster Terminal 5 p.590 Intracerebral/subarachnoid haemorrhage and venous diseases E-Poster Terminal 6 p.601 Interesting and challenging cases
Karger_ESC London_2013
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