London, United Kingdom 2013 Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 7 Tuesday 28 May 2013 13:00 - 17:30 Room 1 and Room 13 13.00-14.30 Room 1 Plenary Session Chair: S. Middleton, Australia How do you determine what is best evidence? Levels of evidence and general princi-pals of evidence-based care, use of guidelines S. Middleton, Australia Leading change in early supported discharge R. Fisher, UK GRASP: A Graded Repetitive Arm Supplementary Program: A home-work based program to improve arm and hand function in people living with stroke L. Connell, UK 14.30-15.30 Lunch Break/POSTER SESSION p.195 15.30-17.30 WORKSHOP A - Room 1 Nursing aspects in early rehabilitation of diminished states of consciousness (DSC) Chair: V. Binder, Austria 1. Physicians and nurses view Maintaining vegetative balance Physician: H. Binder, Austria Nurse: T. Zaussinger, Austria Measures to increase level of consciousness Physician: F. Müller, Germany Nurse: R. Dohrendorf, Germany Cognitive and behavioral assessment in DSC Physician: D. Boering,Germany Therapist : P. Maurer, Germany 2. Special aspects in nursing Nursing in delirium C. Moderow, Germany Care giver training in stroke A. Forster, UK 15.30-17.30 WORKSHOP B - Room 13 How playful should neurorehabilitation be? Chair: V. Hömberg, Germany Homo ludens: work or play ? What is the difference? V. Hömberg, Germany Group vs individual treatments G. Kwakkel, The Netherlands Creating new virtual reality and game devices for stoke rehabilitation J. Eyre, UK 18:30 Opening Ceremony 7. Stroke Meeting for Nurses – Physiotherapists – Speech and Occupational Therapists Study/Research Assistant
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