22. European Stroke Conference Teaching Course 6-10, 15:30 – 17:30 6. Teaching Course Vascular lesions of the spinal cord Chairs: M. Arnold, Switzerland and D. Hänggi, Germany Ischaemic lesions of the spinal cord: clinical features, diagnostic procedures and tre-atment M. Arnold, Switzerland Vascular malformations of the spinal cord A. Valavanis, Switzerland Spinal haemorrhage U. Fischer, Switzerland 7. Teaching Course Organization of acute stroke services Chairs: A. Rudd, UK and D. Toni, Italy Sources and impact of time delays in acute stroke management. D. Toni, Italy Types of solutions for acute care services A. Rudd, UK Implementing systems for monitoring quality of acute stroke services P. Heuschmann, Germany Certification of stroke services O. Busse, Germany 8. Teaching Course Posterior circulation stroke Chairs: H. Mattle, Switzerland and P. Lindsberg, Finland The clinical spectrum of basilar artery occlusion H. Mattle, Switzerland Imaging posterior circulation strokes. C. Brekenfeld, Germany Antithrombotic therapy and iv-thrombolysis for posterior circulation stroke. P. Lindsberg, Finland Endovascular therapy of basilar artery occlusion. G. Schroth, Switzerland 9. Teaching Course New oral anticoagulants for secondary stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: current difficult decisions in clinical practice Chairs: J.L. Mas, France and T. Steiner, Germany New oral anticoagulants vs. vitamin K antagonists in secondary stroke prevention J.L. Mas, France Acute stroke in patients on new oral anticoagulants: how to manage, how to treat? T. Steiner, Germany Intracranial hemorrhage in patients on oral anticoagulants: when and how to restart? C. Cordonnier, France Combination of oral anticoagulants and antiplatelet therapy : when is it justified ? J. Oldgren, Sweden 10. Teaching Course Scientific publishing and presentation in the stroke field Chairs: B. Norrving, Sweden and A. Alexandrov, USA How to write a good manuscript D. Leys, France How to handle a rejection S. Davis, Australia How to write an abstract and effectively present at a congress A. Alexandrov, USA How to review B. Norrving, Sweden 6 © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Scientific Programme
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