22. European Stroke Conference 327 Etiology of stroke and risk factors Serum Gamma-glutamyltransferase Levels in Ischemic Stroke Subtypes O. Kamisli1, S. Gonullu2, Y. Kaplan3, S. Kamisli4, S. Altinayar5, C. Ozcan6 Inonu university, School of medicine, Department of Neurology, Malatya, TURKEY1, Inonu university, School of medicine, Department of Neurology, Malatya, TURKEY2, Inonu university, School of medicine, Department of Neurology, Malatya, TURKEY3, Inonu university, School of medicine, Department of Neurology, Malatya, TURKEY4, Inonu university, School of medicine, Department of Neurology, Malatya, TURKEY5, Inonu university, School of medicine, Department of Neurology, Malatya, TURKEY6 BACKGROUND: Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) activity is an indicator for liver func-tion. Increased GGT activity has been found to be associated atherosclerosis-related conditions, such as coronary artery and cerebrovascular diseases. To our knowledge there is no study that investigate the difference of serum GGT levels in ischemic stroke subtypes.The aim of this study is to investi-gate the relationship between serum GGT levels and ischemic stroke subtypes. METHODS: A total of 237 patients (mean age: 73.30±13.48) who had acute ischemic stroke and admitted to the hospital in the beginning of the first 24 hour of disease were included to the study. We compare the GGT levels between stroke subgroups and controls. Ischemic stroke subtypes were classified as total anterior circulation infarcts (TACI) group, partial anterior circulation infarcts (PACI) group, posterior circulation infarcts (POCI) group and lacunar infarcts (LACI) group accord-ing to the Bamford classification. RESULTS: 237 ischemic stroke patients divided as; 66 patients were in TACI group, 69 patients were in PACI group, 71 patients were in POCI group, 31 patients were in LACI group and 42 healthy voluntary people in control group. The gender ratio (Female/Male) were as 38/28 in TACI group, 36/33 in PACI group, 17/14 in LACI group, 31/40 in POCI group and 15/27 in controls. The mean GGT levels were 36.75±24.56 in TACI group, 37.78±37.15 in PACI group, 37.53±33.88 in LACI group, 35.01±40.27 in POCI group and 34.97±19.82 in controls. The GGT levels were higher ischemic stroke groups. However this elevation was not statistically significant (p=0.9). CONCLUSIONS: Gamma-glutamyltransferase has been identified in atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid, cerebral, and coronary artery. The histochemical evidence of GGT activity was also detect-ed in human atherosclerotic plaques. There are some studies that showed elevated serum GGT levels in stroke. However we could not find an association between ischemic stroke subtypes and serum GGT levels. Future researches might be focus on the pathogenetic mechanism of GGT in stroke sub-types with a higher number of patients. 458 © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Scientific Programme 328 Etiology of stroke and risk factors Dilated arteriopathy by Doppler ultrasound A.Yu. Polushin1, M.M. Odinak2, I.A. Voznyuk3, O.N. Gaikova4 Medical-Military Academy, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIAN FEDERATION1, Medical-Military Academy, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIAN FEDERATION2, Medical-Military Academy, Saint-Peters-burg, RUSSIAN FEDERATION3, Medical-Military Academy, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIAN FED-ERATION4 Lack of cerebral circulation is traditionally associated with vascular brain stenosing, however, dila-tation of the neck and head arteries are observed in a significant number of cases. The aim of the research is to assess the ability to identify persons with dilated angiopathy at screen-ing diagnosis by ultrasound Doppler. We examined 342 patients by ultrasound Doppler. 166 were (with shallow neurological deficit or complaints: headaches, dizziness, memory loss, sleep disturbances). On the basis of the anamne-sis and clinical data this group of patients has been clarified in stages of vascular encephalopathy (VE): I (n=76); II (n=65); III (n=2), initial manifestations of the lack of cerebral circulation (n=12); vascular dystonia (n=11). Clinical manifestation and anamnesis confirmed reduced ultrasound Dop-pler parameters: cerebrovascular reactivity and cerebral perfusion. In 54 cases were found changes, regarded as indirect vascular encephalopathy signs (diffuse decrease in high-speed parameters of blood circulation, combined with the low values of pressure reactivity and pulse indices, with the spectral profile deformation). Duplex scanning (DS) of cervical arteries confirmed the expansion of changes in not less than one segment, and also IMC thickening, internal elastic membrane fragmen-tation (n=54). Stenosis have not been identified. Distribution of patients by age showed the great-est frequency of occurrence VE in patients of 50-59 years (n=18, 33,3%) and 60-69 years (n=15, 27,7%). In other age subgroups occurrence was below: 30-39 years – 1; 40-49 years – 7; 70-79 years – 9; 80-87 years – 4. Patients with the lesion of three arteries of the neck was confirmed by DS in 19 cases (35,2%). Ultrasound Doppler can serve as a reliable screening method of identifying patients with dilatation, which can be identified in one-third of the examined patients with the lack of cerebral circulation signs with the highest frequency among patients older than 50 years.
Karger_ESC London_2013
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