London, United Kingdom 2013 Poster Session Red Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 345 121 Stroke prognosis Symptom progression is frequent in AChA infarcts and predicts worse outcome S. Maul1, K. Villringer2, J. Fiebach3, H. Audebert4, C.H. Nolte5, A. Rocco6 Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, GERMANY1, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, GERMANY2, Charité-Uni-versitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, GERMANY3, Charité-Universitäts-medizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, GERMANY4, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Ber-lin Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, GERMANY5, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, GREECE6 Background: Infarctions of the anterior choroidal artery (AChA) is frequently associated with symp-tom fluctuation or progression. Aim of this study was to assess aetiological mechanisms, frequency and predictors of symptom progression as well as its impact on prognosis. Methods: First we iden-tified all stroke patients with diagnosis of infarction of AChA from a prospective MRI-databank. Second, we retrospectively collected demographical data, risk factors, treatment, stroke aetiology according to TOAST classification, stroke severity and outcome at discharge assed by the NIHSS and mRS. Neurological progression was defined as ≥2 NIHSS points in motor function or ≥4 in total NIHSS. Results: Thirty patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Five patients (17%) had neurological progression during the hospital stay, out of them 2 underwent thrombolytic treatment. No statistical-ly significant differences were found regarding age, gender, vascular risks factors or blood pressure variability. Patients with progression had more severe neurological deficits upon admission (median NIHSS 6 vs. 3; p=0.025) and worse outcome (mRS ≥3: 4 vs. 1; p=0.019). Neurological progression was associated with poor outcome (mRS≥3; p=0.024). MRI findings and aetiological assessment suggest overlapping mechanisms of small and large vessel disease. Conclusions: Neurological de-terioration is frequent in AChA infarcts and predicts worse outcome. With a small study population, we were not able to identify predictors of progression in AChA infarction. Further prospective stud-ies are needed. 122 Stroke prognosis POST-STROKE MOVEMENT AND COGNITIVE DISORDERS: DYNAMIC OF DURA-TION AND RECOVERY G.A. Pryanishnikova1, O.S. Levin2, N.I. Usolzeva3 Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION1, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION2, Rus-sian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION3 Background: Cardiovascular disturbances still remain an important medical and social problem. Only in 2010, 350 thousand patients with this pathology became invalids in Russia. Cognitive and movement disorders are considered to be the most serious in post-stroke disability. Methods: 118 patients with ischemic stroke were observed since onset till 6 month. Investigations included clinical examination, neurological scales: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; HMSO; Short Test of Mental Status; Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; Clock-drawing test; Test for visual memory; Test of 10 words memorization. Results: Primary 97% of patients had various degree of paresis. After a month movement function improved in 80% of cases, muscular strength increased at an average of 0.6 point. After 3 month 50% of patients improved their muscular strength to 0.3 point in average. After 6 month movement disturbance was observed in 80% of cases and strength increasing dynamic was 0.2 point during the period. Only 30% of patients developed normal age level of cognition one month after stroke. Cog-nitive function improved during the period 1 to 3 month in 18% of cases and additionally in 23% during the period 3 to 6 month. The dynamics of movement and cognitive function rehabilitation correlated with subtype and severity degree of stroke. Conclusion: The best functional reparation was observed in patients with lacunar stroke, patients with atherothrombotic and cardio embolic subtypes of stroke repaired worse. Cognitive functions re-paired more slowly and didn’t depend on movement reparation degree.
Karger_ESC London_2013
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