London, United Kingdom 2013 Poster Session Red Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 343 Table 1. Patient demographics and descriptives Patient Sex Age at stroke on-set Relevant stroke history Hemisphere of Stroke (R/L/Bil) Motor Outcome (fol-low- up time frame) 1 F 5.33yrs Previously healthy, traumatic injury with tran-section of left internal carotid and jugular vein Bilateral: mostly left hemisphere –Com-plete MCA territory Small right basal ganglia and cortex Mild Right hemipa-resis – Ambulant, talking, mainstream school with assistance, independent activity (4.08 years) 2 F Neonate (first 15 hrs of life) Term baby, fetal distress with failure of progression; requir-ing emergency C/S, Mec + stain, presenting with focal seizures Almost complete R MCA stroke Moderate left hemipa-resis, ambulating inde-pendently at 18 months , has functional use of left hand and normal speech (2.5 years) 3 M 6.33 yrs Dx with Duchenne Muscu-lar Dystrophy at 5 yrs, fully ambulatory. Went for elective dental surgery - rhabdomy-olysis secondary to malig-nant hyperthermia leading to cardiac arrest cardiac arrest - cardioembolic stroke Bilateral :Complete R MCA stroke with midline shift, R ACA and bilateral cerebellar infarcts Moderate-severe left hemiparesis : Walks with assistance x 1. Can now take a few steps alone. (3.08yrs) 4 F Neonate (presented at 9 hrs of life) Term baby, Mec + amniotic fluid, Apgars 9,9 presenting with focal seizures at 9 hrs of life and hyper homocystein-uria secondary to Cobalamin C deficiency Complete L MCA stroke Mild R hemiparesis, ambulating inde-pendently with good functional use of R hand, normal speech and cognition (2.5 yrs) 5 F Neonate (presented at 15 hrs of life) Term baby – born via Emer-gency C/S secondary to fetal distress. +Mec stain. Apgars, 7, 9. Focal seizures at 15 hrs of life Complete R MCA stroke Mild facial asymmetry, No motor deficits, Speaks in full sentenc-es (3.9 yrs) Patient 3. Acute diffusion weighted MRI images demonstrating complete R MCA involvement.
Karger_ESC London_2013
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