22. European Stroke Conference Within-group changes between baseline and 3 months follow-up in the physical and self-reported outcome measures of the ESD Stroke Bergen study 2008-2011. Variables N All participants N = 171 n Day-unit n = 52 n Home-rehabilita-tion n = 72 n Control n = 47 ES ES ES ES PASS 171 0.406*‡ 52 0.385*‡ 72 0.438*‡ 47 0.413*‡ TIS-modNV 171 0.314†‡ 52 0.256†‡ 72 0.369†‡ 47 0.297†‡ FAC 171 0.453*‡ 52 0.491*‡ 72 0.478*‡ 47 0.417*‡ 5mTW 154 0.292†‡ 48 0.433†‡ 63 0.244†‡ 43 0.204†‡ TUG 167 0.282†‡ 50 0.404†‡ 72 0.340†‡ 45 0.188†‡ NIHSS 167 0.384*‡ 51 0.482*‡ 71 0.355*‡ 45 0.337*‡ BI 168 0.330*‡ 51 0.637*‡ 71 0.629*‡ 46 0.293*‡ mRS 168 0.127†‡ 51 0.202†‡ 71 0.182†‡ 46 0.019†‡ NRS 1 Walking 161 0.192†‡ 46 0.382†‡ 69 0.180†‡ 46 0.138†‡ 2 Balance 162 0.246†‡ 47 0.402†‡ 69 0.187†‡ 46 0.205†‡ 3 ADL 162 0.340†‡ 47 0.372†‡ 69 0.429†‡ 46 0.191†‡ 4 Physical ac-tivity 161 0.208†‡ 46 0.347†‡ 69 0.171†‡ 46 0.149†‡ 5 Pain 162 0.014† 47 0.036† 69 0.002† 46 0.031†‡ 6 Tiredness 161 0.005† 46 0.001† 69 0.002† 46 0.014†‡ Abbreviations: PASS: Postural assessment Scale for Stroke; TIS-modNV: Trunk Im-pairment scale-modified Norwegian version; FAC: Functional ambulation categories; 5mTW: 5m Timed Walk; TUG: timed Up-and-Go; NIHSS: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; BI: Barthel’s Index; mRS: modified Rankin Scale; NRS: Nu-merical Rating Scale, ADL: activities of daily living. * Non-parametric ES: small = .1, moderate = .3, large = .5. † Parametric ES: small = .01, moderate = .06, large ES = .14. Large effect sizes in bold. ‡ Significant within-group difference between baseline and 3 months follow-up. Between-group comparisons for the change scores in the physical and self-report measures of the participants in the ESD Stroke Bergen study 2008-2011. Intervention groups Variables Day-unit n = 52 Home-rehabilitation n = 72 Control n = 47 p-value† Mean SD 95 % CI Mean SD 95 % CI Mean SD 95 % CI PASS‡ 1.90 (3.83) (1.14, 2.66) 2.08 (3.26) (1.44, 2.72) 1.91 (3.96) (1.10, 2.73) 0.929 TIS-mod-NV 2.08 (3.58) (1.07, 3.04) 2.65 (3.48) (1.81, 3.44) 2.05 (3.44) (1.24, 3.32) 0.663 FAC‡ 1.31 (1.48) (0.90, 1.72) 1.18 (1.36) (0.89, 1.50) 0.85 (1.44) (0.43, 1.28) 0.259 TUG 0.20 (0.25) (0.13, 0.27) 0.16 (0.23) (0.11, 0.22) 0.10 (0.21) (0.04, 0.17) 0.128 5mTW 0.32 (0.37) (0.21, 0.43) 0.21 (0.36) (0.12, 0.30) 0.17 (0.34) (0.07, 0.28) 0.118 BI‡ 9.81 (18.56) (5.59, 4.02) 9.30 (19.91) (5.03,13.57) 7.12 (18.42) (2.59,11.65) 0.675 NIHSS*‡ -3.33 (5.55) (-4.60, -2.06) -1.89 (3.82) (-2.72, -1.07) -1.83 (4.89) (-2.99, -0.62) 0.095 mRS* -0.47 (0.95) (-0.74, -0.20) -0.54 (1.14) (-0.81, -0.20) -0.15 (1.10) (-0.48, 0.17) 0.154 NRS* 1 Walking -2.13 (2.74) (-2.94, -1.32) -1.04 (2.83) (-1.72, -0.36) -1.59 (3.48) (-2.09, -0.30) 0.119 2 Balance -2.06 (3.02) (-2.81, -1.32) -1.43 (3.02) (-2.16, -0.71) -1.50 (2.99) (-2.39, -0.61) 0.479 3 ADL -2.19 (2.88) (-3.04, -1.35) -2.54 (2.93) (-3.24, -1.83) -1.57 (3.26) (-2.53, -0.60) 0.240 4 Physical ac-tivity -1.83 (2.53) (-2.58, -1.07) -1.36 (3.02) (-2.09, -0.64) -1.04 (2.52) (-1.79, -0.29) 0.391 5 Pain -0.34 (1.79) (-0.86, 0.18) -0.12 (2.62) (-0.74, 0.51) -0.48 (2.70) (-1.28, 0.32) 0.723 6 Tiredness -0.07 (3.02) (-0.83, 0.96) -0.28 (2.81) (-0.95, 0.40) 0.39 (3.27) (-1.36, 0.58) 0.747 Abbreviations: ESD: Early Supported Discharge; SD: standard deviation; CI: confidence interval; PASS: Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke, main outcome; TIS-modNV: Trunk Impairment Scale-modified Norwegian version; FAC: Functional Ambulation Categories; TUG: timed Up-and-Go; 5mTW: 5 meter Timed Walk; BI: Barthel’s Index; NIHSS: Nation-al Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; mRS: modified Rankin Scale; NRS: Numerical Rating Scale; ADL: activities of daily living. *Negative values indicate improvement in condition; †p-value: from one-way analysis of variance. ‡Non-parametric analysis. 96 © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Scientific Programme
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