22. European Stroke Conference 8 Acute stroke: emergency management, stroke units and complications A 9:40 - 9:50 Continuous blood pressure BP monitoring in patients with acute cerebrovascular events C. Sick1, M. G. Hennerici2 Neurology Department of the University Hospital Mannheim, Mannheim, GER-MANY1, Neurology Department of the University Hospital Mannheim, Mannheim, GERMA-NY2 BACKGROUND: Although BP monitoring is standardized in SU patients, data analysis has been limited to excessive values individually. We report a new insight to extensive data collec-tion cohorts in patients monitored within 72h after admission. METHODS: In 3513 consecutive stroke patients (intracerebral hemorrhage ICH, transient isch-emic attack TIA, ischemic stroke IS ) BP values were obtained at least hourly . Over 183.000 measurements of systolic sBP, diastolic dBP, mean arterial BP mBP and BP amplitude BPAmp were averaged in 2h intervals. RESULTS: TIA patients showed increasing sBP, dBP, mBP and BPAmp 2-4h after onset (145+/-+/-4.2; 7+/-+/-2.5; 106+/-+/-3.1; 65+/-+/-3.5) with significant decrease (p<0.01) after 12h (136+/-2.2; 73+/-1.5; 98+/-1.9; 61+/-1.8). IS patients had an initial increase of BPAmp (71+/-1.0 2-4h after onset), while sBP, dBP and mBP immediately decreased down to 146+/- 1.1; 77+/-0.7; 105+/-0.9. ICH showed similar profiles of sBP, dBP, mBP but BPAmp was found with significantly higher peak levels than in TIA and IS (164+/-3.7; 89+/-2.6; 118+/-3.5; 74+/- 2.6). In addition sBP and BPAmp levels were significantly higher in patients with ICH and IS than forTIA (Fig. 1). With regard to etiology microangiopathy and cardioembolic strokes showed highest sBP, dBP, mBP, BPAmp levels immediately after onset (159+/-11.1 and 159+/-7.4; 88+/-5.0 and 88+/-5.5; 120+/-9.4 and 118+/-6.2; 71+/-6.3 and 70+/-5.9) in contrast to macroangiopathy with initially increasing peak levels (148+/-8.8; 110+/-6.9; 64+/-5.9) similar to ICH patients. dBP levels were higher in patients with microangiopathy than in those with macroangiopathy or with cardioem-bolism (Fig. 2). CONCLUSION: Analysis of monitoring sBP, dBP, mBP and BPAmp in SU patients reveals significantly different pattern of BP changes within 72 h after onset, which provides so far un-recognized keys for better classification, estimation of prognosis and management with useful application in future clinical trials. 92 © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Scientific Programme
Karger_ESC London_2013
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