London, United Kingdom 2013 Poster Session Blue Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 797 852 Rehabilitation and reorganisation after stroke ANXIETY AND RECUPERATION OF HEMIPLEGIA IN STROKE A. DOCU AXELERAD1, D. DOCU AXELERAD2 UNIVERSITY OVIDIUS GENERAL MEDICINE, CONSTANTA, ROMANIA1, UNIVERSITY OVIDIUS PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND KINETHOTERAPY, CONSTANTA, ROMANIA2 Background and purpose: Poststroke anxiety is associated with impaired functional recovery. We examined the differences on functional recovery among poststroke anxiety patients compared with poststroke nonanxious patient over 6 month after stroke. Methods: On the basis of psychiatric examination DSM –IV diagnostic criteria, MMSE, a consecu-tive series of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke patients who not have anxiety during the first 7 days of stroke were included in this study, the patients must not have anxiety diagnosis previously. During follow-up, treatment with paroxetina 20 mg/day p.o has started after the diagnosis of anxiety. Their functional recovery were assessed by the modified Rankin scale and Barthel index during acute hospitalization, time of anxiety diagnosis, 3th and 6th month. All patient with stroke have hemiplegia, an for all we started a recuperation program in hospital in acute stroke with kinetotrapeut and we recommend for home a battery of exercise. Results: 25 patients met the diagnostic criteria for anxiety and 11 patients had anxiety at follow-up. Conclusions: Diagnosis and treatment of poststroke anxiety and a precise battery of exercise help the rehabilitation outcome of stroke patients. 853 Rehabilitation and reorganisation after stroke EFFECTS OF SURGERY AND EARLY REHABILITATION TREATMENT (ERT) ON EQUINO-VARUS FOOT DEFORMITY (EVFD). CHANGES IN DORSIFLEXION AND SPACE-TIME PARAMETERS DURING GAIT AT 1 MONTH AFTER SURGERY P. Zerbinati1, E. Giannotti2, M. Longhi3, A. Merlo4, P. Prati5, S. Maseiro6, D. Mazzoli7 Multimedica Group and Consultant at Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory, Sol et Salus Hos-pital (RN), Castellanza, ITALY1, Department of Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of Padova, Padova, ITALY2, Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory, Sol et Salus Hospital, Rimini, ITALY3, Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory, Sol et Salus Hospital, Rimini, ITALY4, Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory, Sol et Salus Hospital, Rimini, ITALY5, Department of Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of Padova, Pado-va, ITALY6, Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory, Sol et Salus Hospital, Rimini, ITALY7 Background: This study describes the changes in ankle dorsiflexion (DF) and space-time parameters during gait at 1 month after surgery in a sample of hemiplegic patients who underwent EVFD-relat-ed surgery associated with an ERT. Methods: We retrospectively analysed data from 47 chronic hemiplegic patients (L/R 20/27, age 56+/-15 yy) who underwent surgical correction, performed by a single surgeon, of unilateral EVFD. Hemiplegia was consequent to ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke and patients presented MMSE>22. (Table I) A specific rehabilitation treatment, 6 days/week, 90 min per session, characterized by pas-sive and active ankle mobilization, strengthening and stretching muscle exercises and gait training was delivered from the first day after surgery. An articulated ankle-foot orthosis was used from day 1 to 20 to permit an early gait training. Gait analysis (GA) data, in particular velocity, cadence, stride length, anterior step length, step width, double support time, ankle DF at initial contact (DF@ IC), maximum in stance (DF@St) and in swing (DF@Sw) were considered before and 1 month after surgery. Results: Ankle DF increased 1 month after surgery at all gait phases (Wilcoxon test, p<0.0001), be-coming neutral at IC. Small but significative (p<0.05) variations towards the normality range were found for stride length, stride width the anterior step length of the affected side and the duration of the double support phase of the contralateral side. Velocity and cadence did not increase signifi-cantly. Post surgery DF peaks in St and in Sw but not at IC were correlated (R=0.81, p<0.0001 and R=0.45, p<0.05, respectively) with their pre-surgery values. (Table II) Conclusion: Surgical procedure associate with early rehabilitation and orthosis was effective to cor-rect EVFD by restoring the heel foot-ground contact and the ankle DF during stance and swing at 1 month after surgery. Interestingly, the DF peak in St and in Sw resulted predictable from the pre-sur-gery values.
Karger_ESC London_2013
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