22. European Stroke Conference Table 1. First and second 24 hour Holter Monitoring Parameters. First 24 hour Holter Moni-toring 722 © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Scientific Programme Second 24 hour Holter Monitor-ing Non-AF (n = 126) AF (n = 29) P Non-AF (n = 24) AF (n = 2) P Duration (±SD, min) 22:46 23:05 0.516 23:01 (0:58) 20:17 (2:29) 0.36 Time from TIA onset to 24HM, mean (±SD, d) 91.33 (107.52) 82.59 (135.78) 0.748 309.13 (236.32) 350.5 (241.1) 0.814 Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation, n (%) - 28 - 1 - >30 sec duration, (±SD, sec) - Full regis-try - - Full Reg-istry - <30 sec duration, (±SD, sec) - 5.09 (3.85) - - 5.8 (-) - Supraventricular Tachycardia 54 (42.9) 26 (89.7) <0.001* 17 (70.8) 1 (3.8) 0.529 Events, n (%) 9.8 (49.7) 12 (28.7) 0.822 11.04 (42.26) 18.5 (26.16) 0.76 Higher beats number, n (%) 8.48 (40.85) 10.24 (8.13) 0.818 6.79 (9.64) 7 (9.89) 0.977 Higher duration, (±SD, sec) 2.14 (3.73) 4.63 (4.03) 0.02* 2.48 (2.98) 2.9 (4.1) 0.855 Supraventricular Ex-trasystoles High density (>100 total beats), n (%) 57 (45.5) 25 (86) 0.001* 14 (58.3) 1 (50) 1 Total (±SD, beat) 527.15 (1651) 944.69 (2227) 0.254 1744.63 (4757.11) 1422 (2011.01) 0.926 Percentage of total (±SD) 0.55 (1.75) 0.93 (2.04) 0.317 1.86 (4.97) 1.63 (2.30) 0.949 Higher rate per minute (±SD, beat/min) 8.71 (11.59) 13.89 (9.34) 0.026* 15.5 (18.62) 14.5 (20.5) 0.943 Higher rate per hour (±SD, beat/hour) 68.41 (172.94) 108.83 (229.52) 0.289 188.62 (455.59) 151.5 (214.25) 0.911 Promedial rate (±SD) 24.33 (77.86) 40.1 (93.44) 0.346 85.95 (244.71) 79 (111.72) 0.969 Heart rate monitoring (±SD, beat/min) Max 108.27 (15.94) 105.76 (16.35) 0.448 105.04 (18.69) 131 (41.01) 0.092* Min 55.31 (8.88) 53.34 (9.27) 0.288 57.83 (15.94) 68 (1.41) 0.385 Table 2. Variables selected for the multivariate analyses. Variable Univariate analy-sis OR (95% CI) P Multivariate anal-ysis OR (95% CI) P Demographic data Age 1.038 (0.998-1.079) 0.062 - Previous CHA2DVASc 1.211 (0.961-1.526) 0.104 - Vascular risk factors Hypertension 2.875 (1.095-7.548) 0.032* - Hyperlipidemia 0.484 (0.192-1.216) 0.123 - Valvular heart disease 3.2 (0.841-12.178) 0.088 - Visual symptoms 1.909 (0.712-5.118) 0.199 - Diagnostic tests results Left atrial enlargement 2.112 (0.922-4.841) 0.077 - ** Acute brain infarct cor-responding to AIT 2.080 (0.593-7.292) 0.253 - ≥ 1 chronic lacunar brain infarct 2.286 (0.880-5.940) 0.090 - First 24HM parameters Irregular SVT 9.821 (6.322- 29.939) <0.001* 9.821 (6.322- 29.939) <0.001* SVT duration 1.150 (1.049-1.261) 0.003* - Higher SVE rate per 1.034 (1.002-1067) 0.037* - minute Total SVE density 1 (1-1) 0.237 -
Karger_ESC London_2013
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