London, United Kingdom 2013 Poster Session Blue Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 715 696 Acute stroke: clinical patterns and practice Establish a relationship between cognitive impairment (CI) and clinical data, MR tomography data. O.B. Bondar1, I.I. Chernenko2, B.E. Bondar3 Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, UKRAINA1, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, UKRAINA2, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgrad-uate Education, Kharkiv, UKRAINA3 Life expectancy and quality is directly dependent on the preservation of cognitive function. Target. Identifying the relationship between the development of CI,clinical data, MRI. Methods. 40 patients with ischemic stroke. were examined. All patients underwent clinical, magnetic resonance tomog-raphy examination. To objectify the clinical status, severity of focal neurological deficits, assess the dynamics of clinical stroke, apply the scale of the National Institute of Health, USA (NIHSS). The degree of functional recovery was determined by the modified Rankin scale (mRs) and Barthel ADL index (BI); violations mental state - for MMSE (mini-mental state study). Relationship was revealed using a correlational analysis. Results. Low scores on the MMSE at 10-14th-day correlated with the development of deep paresis and plegia in the 1(r=+0,36), 14th-day(r=+0,81), the presence of speech disorders in 1day(r=+0,36), 14th-day(r=+0,81), central paresis of the facial nerve(r=-0,39), paresis of convergence(r=-0,66), sensory symptoms(r=-0,30), a reduction in red blood cells(r=+0,31), hemoglobin in the blood (r=+0,31), increasing the content of IL-1β (r=-0,40), IL- 10 (r=-0,63) in 1-2day, high levels of IL-10 (r=-0,53) on the 10-14th-day. High score on the MMSE at 10-14th-day is comparable to the level of clear consciousness (r=+0,75), light paresis , minimal speech disorders or complete data recovery features, lower score on the NIHSS, mRs on 10-14th(r=- 0,70), 28th-day (r=-0,78), increasing daily activity patients (BI) at 28th-day (r=+0,84), 90th-day (r=+0,84), 180th-day(r=+0,84). The development of cognitive impairment, dementia correlates with the presence of a large focus of ischemia(r=-0,55), severe internal hydrocephalus(r=+033), focal lo-cation in several parts(r=+0,40). Output. Based on these assessments of neurological status using a scale (NIHSS, mRs, BI), cytokine levels, clinical, MR tomographic examinations suggests the possi-bility of developing cognitive impairment, dementia, or lack thereof. 697 Acute stroke: clinical patterns and practice Particulars for the detection of cognitive impairment DEPENDING OF STRUCTURES, sup-plying the vessels of vertebrobasilar pool. I.I. Chernenko1, V.A. Yavorskaya2, O.B. Bondar3, B.E. Bondar4, A.V. Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, kharkiv, UKRAINA1, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, UKRAINA2, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kharkiv, UKRAINA3, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, UKRAINA4, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, UKRAINA5 Cognitive disorders (CD) are obligate clinical implications of all options for acute cerebrovascular disease. Target. Determine the characteristics and differences in the presence of CD, depending on the dam-age of brain structures located in the vertebrobasilar basin. Methods. A total of 56 patients with ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar basin, identifying neuro-logical deficits, who underwent MRI of the brain and certain violations mental state - for MMSE. Results. The damage of intralaminar thalamic nuclei in the pool of thalamo-perforating arteries marked amnestic syndrome. The agitation, visual hallucinations and other visual disorders detected in 1/3 cases, when the location of lesions in the posterior cerebral artery basin. The presence of isch-emia in the parietal-occipital region (the critical area between the basins of the middle and posterior artery) can lead to the development of Balint syndrome (impaired perception of space,shown the in-ability to perceive the entire field of view in its entirety), optic ataxia, oculomotor apraxia. Manifes-tations of the rostral basal artery lesions were reduced level of consciousness (somnolence, stupor), visual (hemianopsia, cortical blindness) and oculomotor (paresis gaze upward, vertical strabismus) violation, confusion or delirium and amnesia, often accompanied by headache (top-of- the-basilar syndrome). Ischemia in the pool tuberotalamicheskoy artery manifest cognitive and behavioral dis-orders (first disorientation, then apatiko-abulichesky syndrome). With the defeat of the left thalamus were light aphasic disorders and verbal gipomneziya, with focus in the right thalamus - a violation of the visual-spatial perception, constructional apraxia and visual gipomneziya. In bilateral thalamic lesions detected hypersomnia, rough and persistent amnesia, gaze paresis up and convergence. Output. The features and differences in the presence of cognitive impairment, depending on the damage of brain structures located in the vertebrobasilar basin.
Karger_ESC London_2013
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