London, United Kingdom 2013 Poster Session Blue Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 625 529 Epidemiology of stroke ETIOLOGIC AND PROGNOSTIC STUDY OF YOUNG ISCHEMIC STROKE IN ALGERIA A.S. FEKRAOUI1, F. SERRADJ2, A. M’ZAHEM3, I. BOUMAZA4, A HAMRI5 LABORATOIRE DE BIOLOGIE ET DE GENETIQUE MOLECULAIRE- CENTRE HOS-PITALO- UNIVERSITAIRE BENBADIS, CONSTANTINE, ALGERIA1, CENTRE HOS-PITALO- UNIVERSITAIRE BENBADIS, CONSTANTINE, ALGERIA2, LABORATOIRE DE BIOLOGIE ET DE GENETIQUE MOLECULAIRE- CENTRE HOSPITALO-UNIVERSITAIRE BENBADIS, CONSTANTINE, ALGERIA3, HOPITAL MOHAMED BOUDIAF OUM-EL-BAOUAQUI, OUM-ELBAOUAQUI, ALGERIA4, LABORATOIRE DE BIOLOGIE ET DE GE-NETIQUE MOLECULAIRE- CENTRE HOSPITALO-UNIVERSITAIRE BENBADIS, CON-STANTINE, ALGERIA5 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Ischemic stroke in young adults is relatively rare. Cervical ar-tery dissection is the most frequently etiology; however, from 25 at 40% of ischemic stroke in young remain without definite causes. This study investigated the etiologic and prognostic of young isch-emic stroke in the east of Algeria. METHODS: A retrospective and prospective observational study conducted at the neurology department of the University Hospital in Constantine.391 patients aged between 16 and 50y hospitalized between 1 /1/ 2003 and 6/ 30/ 2011. Criterions for inclusion were confirmed ischemic stroke by neuroimaging and age> 15 and ≤ 50 years. An exhaustive exploration etiologic was achieving. We study the etiologies according to TOAST classification. Admission NI-HSS, and Mortality at one month was noted. RESULTS: Our cohort has 228femmes and 163 men with an average age at 41, 25 years. The main risk factors found are tobacco 17.62%, hypertension 15.06%, migraine7.77% and diabetes in 7.51% .The cardiac causes are the first etiologies found with 23.53% followed by cervical artery dissection 12.80%. Lacunars are the third cause of isch-emic stroke with 12.27%, atherosclerosis in 7.16%.34.78% of stroke is undetermined cause. The average NIHSS was 6.6, mortality was 8.44%. 8.44% had at least one seizure during their hospital-ization. DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS: A female predominance, the sex ratio M / F = 0.71. The cardiac causes are the most found, especially the myocardial infarction 7.93% and valvulopathies 7.16%. CAD is the second cause. High frequency of lacunars stroke may be explained by the in-crease of incidence of major vascular risk factors such as hypertension, smoking and diabetes in our population. The ischemic stroke young recruited in this series are moderately severe, with an aver-age NIHSS = 6.6. The mortality is also higher than in the similar study CONCLUSION: Our study found that the main etiologies of ischemic stroke in Young’s Algerians are the embolic heart disease, cervical artery dissection and lacunars. While over a third remains without a known cause, hence the necessity to push the explorations to identify the etiology. 530 Epidemiology of stroke Sex differences in nutritional habits in patients with ischemic stroke A. Rodríguez-Campello1, J. Jiménez Conde2, E. Cuadrado Godia3, A. Ois4, E. Giralt5, C. Soriano Tárraga6, A. Puig Pijoan7, G. Romeral8, E. Muiño9, I. Navalpotro10, J. Roquer11 Stroke Unit. NEUVAS. Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, SPAIN1, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, SPAIN2, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, 3, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, 4, Hospital del Mar, Barce-lona, 5, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, 6, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, 7, Hospital del Mar, Barcelo-na, 8, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, 9,Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, 10, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, SPAIN11 Background: Diet may influence stroke risk via several mechanisms, but the optimal dietary habits for stroke prevention are not well established. Previous studies suggest that the relationship between diet and stroke is different in men and women. The aim of our study is to establish if there are nutri-tional differences between sexes in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Material and methods: Descriptive, prospective study about dietary habits in patients admitted with AIS. A previously validated nutritional food frequency questionnaire was administered. Anthropo-metric data, vascular risk factors, caloric intake and diet nutrients (macronutrients, different types of lipids, sodium, fiber and bifidus) were analyzed. Type of food processing is also analyzed. Intention to follow a healthy diet was also assessed. Results: 300 patients from 2009-2011. Mean age 74±12.2 (higher in women, 77.7vs70.6,p<0.0001). 53.7% were male. Males were more smokers (37.8vs7.3%,p<0.0001), drinkers (35.3vs4.8%,p<0.0001) and less hypertension (61.5vs78.1,p=0.002) than women. More obesity was observed in women (37.5vs22.8,p=0.008). No sex differences were seen in caloric intake, nutrients or food processing. Women have more intention to follow healthy habits. They showed higher intention to eat fruits (p<0.0001;OR 2.2), vegetables (p<0.0001;OR 2) and whole foods (p=0.01;OR 1.5) and to reduce salt intake (p=0.01;OR 1.4) and fat (p=0.001;OR 1.7) than men. Conclusion: In our study, we found no significant nutritional differences between sexes. Regarding consumer habits concerning a healthy diet as recommended by different guidelines for the preven-tion of stroke, women are more aware to maintain healthy eating habits, despite having a higher prevalence of obesity than men.
Karger_ESC London_2013
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