22. European Stroke Conference 606 © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Scientific Programme Table : Authors Gen-der Age (years) Etiology Infarct localisa-tion Correlation infarct lo-calisation and head-ache Associated symptoms History of heada-che Lumbar punction (LP) Spectro-photometry (SFM) Schwedt & Dodick F 66 Crypto-genic Cerebel-lum Yes Visual dis-turbance, lightheaded-ness, nausea No NR NR Annic & Lucas F 80 Car-dio- em-bolic CSO + left parietal lobe NR Vomiting, transient paresis right hand NR Yes NR Goßrau et al. M 44 Crypto-genic Cerebel-lum Yes Nausea, vo-miting No Yes Yes Edvards-son & Persson M 73 Right CSO Unclear None No Yes NR Lopes Azevedo et al. M 68 Car-dio- em-bolic MCA territory Yes Motor im-persistency, aprosody No NR NR Lopes Azevedo et al. F 26 Car-dio- em-bolic (?) Thala-mus left Unclear Diplopia, strabismus, paresis right arm Yes Yes NR Jo et al. F 60 Crypto-genic Cerebel-lum Yes Nausea, gait disor-der, ataxia, hemiparesis No Yes NR Case 1 F 50 Car-dio- em-bolic (?) Cerebel-lum Yes Nausea, vomiting, weakness, instability Yes Yes Yes Case 2 F 68 Crypto-genic Waters-hed area MCA/ PCA Yes Visual dis-turbance Yes Yes Yes M/F ratio: 0.5/1 59.4 years (26 – 80) Crypto-genic: 4/9 Car-dio- em-bolic: 4/9 Trom-bo- em-bolic: 1/9 Posteri-or: 4/9 Anteri-or: 4/9 Waters-hed: 1/9 Correlation infarct and headache localisation: 6/9 Nausea or vomiting: 5/9 History headache: 3/9 LP: 7/9 SFM: 3/9 CSO: centrum semiovale; F: female; LP: lumbar punction; M: male; MCA: medial cerebral artery; NR: not reported; PCA: posterior cerebral artery; SFM: spectrophotometry
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