London, United Kingdom 2013 Poster Session Red Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 549 Experimental / MSC Control N 6 6 Age 42 + 3.5 46.5 + 6.5 Male : Female 2:4 6:0 Cortical 5 4 Subcortical 1 2 Baseline FM (mean) 16.6 + 5.2 16.8 + 6.1 Baseline m BI (mean) 44 + 11.6 45.6+7.8 FM at 24 weeks (mean) 36.6 + 7.4 34.1+ 3.7 mBI at 24 weeks (mean) 72.5 + 8.8 70.1+ 5.1 FM at 78 weeks (mean) 45.1+ 7.2 42.5 + 4.2 m BI at 78 weeks (mean) 83 + 6.1 78+ 5.0 FM at 156 weeks (mean) 50.5 + 6.9 46.5+ 4.5 mBI at 156 weeks (mean) 87.6 + 3.2 82.5+ 4.3 FM at 182 weeks (mean) 53 + 7.1 48 + 5.2 mBI at 182 weeks (mean) 90+ 4.3 83.8+5.3 Table 1. Clinical outcomes in experimental and control groups 492Translational stroke research Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Chronic Stroke: A fol-low up study in an Indian Scenerio A. Bhasin1, M.V. Srivastava2, R. Bhatia3, S. Mohanty4, S.S. Kumaran5 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, INDIA1, All India Institute of Medical Scienc-es, New Delhi, INDIA2, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, INDIA3, All India Insti-tute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, INDIA4, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, INDIA5 Background: Stem cell (SC) therapy has been envisioned as a therapeutic vehicle to promote recov-ery and repair after a brain insult. Knowing the logistics and paradigms in recovery processes after Stroke, the disease has pioneered the transplantation therapy. This study presents three year follow up of intravenous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) transplantation in patients with chronic stroke. Methods: We performed an open-label, clinical trial of 12 patients with chronic stroke. Patients were allocated to two groups, those who received intravenous autologous ex vivo cultured MSCs (MSC group) or those who did not (control group), and all were followed for up 3.5 years from the day of cell transplantation. Clinical and radiological imaging was performed for all patients as outcome measures. Bone marrow was aspirated under aseptic conditions. Mononuclear stem cell layer was plated at a density of 106 cells/cm2 with Stem Pro MSC SFM basal medium (A-10334, Invitrogen) in a T-25 tissue culture flask and incubated at 37 ° C/5% CO 2 . Patients were evaluated for safety, i.e. laboratory and radiological tests at repeated intervals till three years. Results and Conclusion: The reports have been optimistic regarding safety as we did not find any cell related side effects / mortality till the last follow up (182th week). We observed that modified Barthel Index showed statistical significant improvement at 156 and 182 weeks (95 % CI : -10.27 to 0.07; p =0.05) follow up in the MSC group as compared to controls. The 2nd and 3rd quartile for m BI in MSC group was 89 & 90 respectively suggesting good performance of patients in the stem cell group. The impairment scales i.e., Fugl Meyer, ashworth tone scale, strength of hand muscles (MRC) did not show any significant improvement at all time points which is similar to our previous published report. This follow up presents behavoural benefits but primarily indicates safety, toler-ance and applicability of ex vivo culture expanded mesenchymal stem cells in Stroke which may be used in future clinical trials
Karger_ESC London_2013
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