London, United Kingdom 2013 Poster Session Red Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 465 340 Vascular surgery and neurosurgery Analysis of Perioperative Renal Function in Carotid Endarterectomy Patients T. Tamaki1, Y. Node2, A. Morita3 Departmrnt of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School Tamanagayama Hospital, Tamashi To-kyoto, JAPAN1, Departmrnt of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School Tamanagayama Hospital, Tamashi Tokyoto, JAPAN2, Departmrnt of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School, Tokyoto, JAPAN3 BACKGROUNDS: Decreased renal function and cerebrovascular disease were strongly correlated. To assess renal function before and after carotid endarterectomy (CEA). METHODS: Ninety-eight CEA patients were included in this study (male 91, female 7, mean age; seventy-three). The esti-mated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and urinary protein excretion (UP) were determined before CEA, as well as one and three months after CEA. Based on eGFR, severe renal dysfunction (SRD) was defined as eGFR<30, moderate renal dysfunction (MRD) as eGFR from 30-59 and normal renal function (NRF) as eGFR>60. UP was assessed by the dipstick method ( +, ++, or +++). Almost all SRD patients (eight cases) received MRI and ultrasonography without a contrast agent. Workstation program “VINCENT” was useful for CEA without contrast. Results: Renal function before CEA was classified as NRF in 11 cases, MRD in 77 cases, and SRD in 10 cases. Before CEA, UP was in 57cases, + in 33 cases, and ++ in 6 cases. There was no sig-nificant change eGFR and UP perioperative CEA. Other hands, at one month after CEA, 11cases showed a decrease of eGFR by >10 compared with before CEA. The main cause of decrease eGFR was contrast nephropathy. Only one patient required temporary dialysis (an SRD patient receiving 150 ml of contrast medium). Four patients developed congestive heart failure (2: SRD, 2: MRD). Five patients developed pneumonia (2: SRD, 2: MRD, 1: NRF). There was no trouble during CEA without contrast. Conclusion: Many CEA patients suffered from decreased renal function. There is a low incidence of deterioration of renal function in patients undergoing CEA. Contrast agents can aggravate renal dys-function, so not using any contrast agent for CEA is advantageous for protecting renal function. 341 Vascular surgery and neurosurgery Withdrawn!
Karger_ESC London_2013
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