London, United Kingdom 2013 Poster Session Red Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 437 286 Etiology of stroke and risk factors Clinical Characteristics of Ischemic Stroke with Previous Exposure to Agent Orange S.W. Ha1, J.Y. Hwang2 Department of neurology, Veterans Heath Sevice Medical Center, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA1, Department of neurology, Veterans Heath Sevice Medical Center, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA2 Background and Objectives Agent Orange is the code name for one of the herbicides and defoliants used in the Vietnam War for herbicidal warfare program. TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo- p-dioxin), a material of agent orange, was reported as a deadly poison in spite of ist presence at extremely small doses. A correla-tion between exposure to TCDD and cerebral infarction is not yet known. Thus, we intended to ex-amine the correlation between preceding TCDD exposure and the clinical characteristics of cerebral infarction. Methods We studied patients with acute ischemic stroke within 7days of onset in Veterans hospital. Among them, 119 consecutive patients with previous exposure to agent orange were evaluated. For con-trolled group, 119 patients were assigned in a 1:1 ratio (age, sex matched) among 756 stroke patients from 4 other general hospitals. Results Diabetes was the most common risk factor in exposure group (57.1%) compared with non exposure group (46.2%) (P=0.001). Among stroke etiology, small vessel occlusion was the most common subtype(43%) in exposure group followed by large-artery atherosclerosis (30.3%) but in non expo-sure group, the large artery atherosclesosis was the most common subtype(43.7%) and small vessel occlusion was followed(24.4%). There were no significant differences in proportion of each cardio-embolic Conclusion We determined that there are differences in stroke risk factors and subtypes of stroke etiology be-tween exposure group and other group. These indicate that the TCDD might come into causes of stroke and further study is needed for the TCDD with stroke etiology. 287 Etiology of stroke and risk factors Long-term prognosis of ischemic stroke in young adults: aetiology, mortality and recurrence rate. MAAM de Bruijn1, N.E. Synhaeve2, F.E. de Leeuw3, B.P.W. Jansen4, P.L.M. de Kort5 St. Elisabeth hospital, Tilburg, THE NETHERLANDS1, St. Elisabeth hospital, Tilburg, THE NETHERLANDS2, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, THE NETHER-LANDS3, St. Elisabeth hospital, Tilburg, THE NETHERLANDS4, St. Elisabeth hospital, Tilburg, THE NETHERLANDS5 Background and purpose: Prognosis in young stroke patients is important because they usually have longer life expectancy and other daily life demands. However, little is known on this. In this ret-rospective study we aim to describe medical factors (aetiology, mortality and recurrence rate) in a group of young stroke patients (<50 years). Methods: Young stroke patients admitted to the St. Elisabeth hospital and the TweeSteden hospi-tal, Tilburg, the Netherlands, between Jan 2000 and Dec 2010 were included. Baseline variables as stroke severity were derived from medical records. Also information about etiology, stroke recur-rence and mortality were derived from medical records. Results: The criteria were met by 350 persons. 1-month mortality was 6,0%, total mortality was 11,7% with a mean follow-up of 52.5 (SD ± 36.1) months. 5.4% had a recurrent stroke within 1 year after the first event. 38 persons (10.8%) had a second stroke within the first 5 years. Most common aetiologies were: large vessel disease (24.6%) and small vessel disease (20.6%). In 22% the cause remained unknown. Conclusion: Compared to older persons aetiology is more diverse. Mortality was relatively low compared to older patients in different studies but substantial regarding the young age group.
Karger_ESC London_2013
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