London, United Kingdom 2013 Poster Session Red Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 395 Table 1: Level of concordance and p values for difference in ratings between readers for each meth-od of clot assessment Mo-dality Clot Assessment Methodology Level of Con-cordance p value NCCT Presence of Hyperdense Sign k=0.80 <0.001 Proximal 1/3rd of M1 MCA k=0.60 <0.001 Middle 1/3rd k=0.66 <0.001 Distal 1/3rd k=0.85 <0.001 Length of Hyperdense Sign ICC=0.68 0.48 Length of Hyperdense Sign (after seeing CTA) ICC=0.47 0.001 CTA 3 mm Clot Length ICC=0.27 0.11 Residual lumen ratio ICC=0.92 0.32 Length of patent lumen ICC= 0.92 0.32 Contrast permeation k= 0.2 0.09 CTA 24 mm Clot Length ICC=0.73 0.61 Residual lumen ratio ICC=0.88 0.01 Length of patent lumen ICC= 0.89 0.34 211 Vascular imaging Assessment of vertebrobasilar circulation through transcranial duplex ultrasound: a compari-son with magnetic resonance time-of-flight angiography. M. Gomez-Choco1, S. García2, R. Martinez3, L. Castrillo4 Hospital Moises Broggi, Sant Joan Despí, SPAIN1, Hospital Moises Broggi, Sant Joan Despí, SPAIN2, Hospital Moises Broggi, Sant Joan Despí, SPAIN3, Hospital Moises Broggi, Sant Joan Despí, SPAIN4 Background: The study of brain circulation with transcranial color-coded duplex sonography(TCCS) has been mainly focused on the anterior circulation, whereas less attention has been paid to the intracranial vertebrobasilar system. MR and CT angiography seem to be superior to TCCS for the examination of the vertebrobasilar system. Methods: Assesment of intracranial vertebrobasilar circulation through TCCS and MR time-of-flight angi-ography( MRA-TOF) in 22 patients with good bone window and free of vertebrobasilar stroke. We analyzed the length of the basilar artery(BA) and the presence the cerebellar arteries. The TCCS was performed with a Philips CX50 ultrasound scanner by two sonographers blinded to MRA-TOF findings. The MRA-TOF was performed with a Philips Achieva 1.5T MRI system and analyzed by a neuroradiologist blinded to TCCS findings. For TCCS examination we combined the transtemporal coronal plane for the assessment of the distal part of the BA and superior cerebellar arteries (SCAs), and the transforaminal examination for the proximal part of the BA, vertebral arteries (VAs), antero inferior cerebellar arteries (AICAs) and posteroinferior cerebellar arteries (PICAs). Results: TCCS was able to study the whole lenght of the BA in 20/22(90%) patients. On average, the TCCS examination included the 50% and 70% of the length of the BA, studied through the transtemporal and transforaminal windows respectively. Combining TCCS and MRA-TOF we were able to identi-fy 44 SCAs, 28 AICAs and 38 PICAs. MRA-TOF detected 44 SCAs whereas TCCS was only able to identify 26/44(59%). Regarding the AICAs and PICAS, 36% and 55% were found through TCCS and MRA-TOF, 46% and 21% only through MRA-TOF, and 18% and 29% only through TCCS, re-spectively. Conclusions: In patients with good temporal window TCCS allows us to study the whole length of the BA in most of them. MRA-TOF seemed to be superior to detect the cerebellar arteries, specially the SCAs and AICAs.
Karger_ESC London_2013
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