London, United Kingdom 2013 14:30-16:15 Rooms 7/8/11/12 Mini Symposium 4 Selection of patients for carotid intervention Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 137 14:30-16:30 Auditorium Joint Symposium 3 ESC/ESO ESC/ESO Symposium (European Stroke Conference/European Stroke Organisation) Chairs: P. Michel, Switzerland and V. Caso, Italy Controversy 1. Cardiac workup after stroke: aggressive vs. tailored approach Intro and first voting: R. Veltkamp, Germany Aggressive: C. Guidoux, France Tailored: M. Dennis, UK Second voting Controversy 2. Can patients be anticoagulated after ICH ? Intro and first voting: V. Caso, Italy Pro: R. Al-Shahi Salman, UK Contra: S. Sacco, Italy Second voting Controversy 3. Acute recanalisation treatment should be based on imaging,not time Intro and first voting: P. Michel, Switzerland Pro : M.W. Parsons, Australia Contra: K. Muir, UK Second voting Selection of patients for carotid intervention Chairs: M.M.Brown, UK and J.L. Mas, France Which symptomatic patients should have carotid artery stenting? L. Bonati, Switzerland Is medical treatment enough for asymptomatic stenosis? J.L. Mas, France Identification of high risk carotid plaque: MR and PET P. Nederkoorn, The Netherlands On-going uncertainties and clinical trials M.M. Brown, UK Carotid Intervention in the US and Canada, including CREST-2? T.Brott, USA
Karger_ESC London_2013
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