London, United Kingdom 2013 10:30-12:30 Rooms 14,15,16 Mini Symposium 3 Non-invasive brain stimulation in rehabilitation af-ter Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35 (suppl 3)1-854 105 10:30-12:30 Room 7,8,11,12 Joint Symposium 2 ESC/Brain Translational stroke research stroke Non-invasive brain stimulation in rehabilitation after stroke Chairs: W.D. Heiss, Germany and V. Hömberg, Germany Basic principles and methods for non-invasive brain stimulation T. Platz, Germany Non-invasive brain stimulation for motor deficits J. Mally, Hungary Combining brain stimulation with speech therapy in post-stroke aphasia W.D. Heiss Germany Which non-invasive brain stimulation modalities have a future in rehabilitation after stro-ke? J.C. Rothwell UK Translational stroke research Chairs: U. Dirnagl, Germany and J.C. Baron, UK and M.G. Hennerici, Germany Introduction M.G. Hennerici, Germany Experimental and clinical stroke research - do they connect? J.C. Baron, UK Time is brain: What do we know about the time window for reperfusion and neuroprotec-tion? In rodents: M.MacRae, UK In humans: J.C.Baron, UK Assessment of outcome in stroke trials In rodents: U. Dirnagl, Germany In humans!: H. Adams, USA Conclusion: Can experimental stroke research inform clinical developement? U. Dirnagl, Germany
Karger_ESC London_2013
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