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No. 68 Chocolate |
Colmenero de Ledesma A: Curioso Tratado de la Naturaleza y Calidad del Chocolate. Madrid, Francisco Martinez, 1631. de Acosta J: The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies. Intreating of the Remarkable Things of Heaven, of the Elements, Metals, Plants and Beasts. London, Val. Sims for Edward Blount and William Aspley, 1604. de Blégny N: Le bon usage du thé, du caffé et du chocolat pour la préservation et pour la guérison des maladies. Paris, Michallet, 1687. De la Cruz M: The Badianus Manuscript, Codex Barberini, Latin 241, Vatican Library; an Aztec Herbal of 1552. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1940. de Valverde Turices S: Un Discurso del Chocolate. Seville, J. Cabrera, 1624. Diaz del Castillo B: The Conquest of New Spain. New York, Penguin, 1983. Dufour PS: The Manner of Making of Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate as it Is Used in Most Parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and America, with Their Vertues [sic.]. London, William Crook, 1685. Farfan A: Tractado Breve de Medicina [1592]. Madrid, Ediciones Cultura Hispanica, 1944. Gage T: The English American: His Travail by Sea; or a New Survey of the West Indies Containing a Journall [sic.] of Three Thousand Three Hundred Miles within the Main Land of America. London, Cotes, 1648. Hernández F: Historia de las Plantas de la Neuva Espana. Mexico City, Imprenta Universitaria, 1577. Hughes W: The American Physitian [sic], or A Treatise of the Roots, Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Fruit, Herbs etc. Growing in the English Plantations in America: Describing the Place, Time. Names, Kindes, Temperature, Vertues and Uses of Them, either for Diet, Physick, etc. whereunto Is Added a Discourse of the Cacao-Nut-Tree, and the Use of its Fruit; with All the Ways of Making of Chocolate. The Like Never Extant Before 1672. London, J. C. for William Crook the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1672. Lavedan A: Tratado de Los Usos, Abusos, Propiendades y Virtudes del Tabaco, Café, Te y Chocolate. Madrid, Imprenta Real, 1796. Quélus D: The Natural History of Chocolate: Being a Distinct and Particular Account of the Cocoa-Tree Its Growth and Culture, and the Preparation, Excellent Properties, and Medicinal Vertues of Its Fruit. Wherein the Errors of Those Who have Wrote upon this Subject Are Discovered; the Best Way of Making Chocolate is Explain’d; and Several Uncommon Medicines Drawn from It, Are Communicated. London, J. Roberts, 1718. Sahagun B: General History of the Things of New Spain [Florentine Codex, 1590]. Santa Fe, The School of American Research and the University of Utah Monographs of The School of American Research and The Museum of New Mexico, 1981. Saint-Arroman A: Coffee, Tea and Chocolate: Their Influence upon the Health, the Intellect, and the Moral Nature of Man. Philadelphia, Townsend Ward, 1846. Stubbe H: The Indian Nectar, or, a Discourse Concerning Chocolata [sic.]: The Nature of the Cacao-Nut and the Other Ingredients of that Composition Is Examined and Stated According to the Judgment and Experience of Indian and Spanish Writers. London, J. C. for Andrew Crook, 1662. |